LESSON II. The Manual Exercise.
It should be taught to three men, placed first in one rank with their elbows touching, and then placed in a file of three ranks.
On pronouncing the last syllable of the command, the first motion is to be performed with life and spirit.
The instructor will pronounce "two" and "three" for the regulation of the other motions. The same time is allowed for performing a motion as for making a common pace.
When the soldier becomes well acquainted with the position of the different motions, he will be required to perform them without stopping.
Support, ARMS.
1. Bring the right hand smartly across the body, seizing the piece at the small.
2. Quit the butt with the left, throwing the lower part of the arm horizontally across the body, the hand grasping the right arm at the swell.
Note. The above will be the position on parade. On a march the soldier may let his right hand fall by his side.
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2 |
Video: Support ARMS |
Support ARMS  |
Carry, ARMS.
1. Bring down the left hand strong upon the butt, seizing it with the usual hold.
2. Bring the right hand down by the side.
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2 |
Carry Arms/Shoulder Arms From Support |
Note: "strong upon the butt..." Meaning with abrupt force as opposed to grasp or hold.
Carry ARMS  |
Slope, ARMS.
1. Throw forward the butt so that the upper part of the left arm will be perpendicular, and the lower extend horizontally forward.
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Video: Slope ARMS |
Slope ARMS  |
Carry, ARMS.
1. Bring the butt and left hand to their former position, raising the right hand smartly to the small, stop and steady the piece.
2. Bring the right hand down by the side.
1 |
2 |
Video: Carry Arms From Slope |
Carry ARMS  |
Trail, ARMS.
1. Sink the firelock with the left hand, and with the right seize it at the left shoulder
2. Bring down the piece by the right side, the muzzle pointing forward, the butt near the ground.
Note: "Sink the firelock with the left hand..." The grip will be at the shoulder but the musket must first be lowered in order to grip near the first band.
Trail ARMS  |
Shoulder, ARMS.
1. Shift the piece in the right hand, seizing it near the feather spring; bring it to the shouldered position, and seize the butt with the left hand.
2. Bring the right hand down by the side.
Note: "seizing it near the feather spring..." hand is just above the lock. |
Shoulder ARMS  |
Order, ARMS.
1. Sink the firelock with the left hand, and with the right seize it above the left shoulder.
2. Quit the firelock with the left hand, and with the right bring it to the right side, the butt lightly on the ground by the toe of the right foot, or on it if the ground is wet; the thumb and fingers of the right hand embracing the piece, and extending downwards.
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2 |
Butt positioned by
the toe of the right foot |
Video: Order ARMS |
Order ARMS  |
Shoulder, ARMS.
1. Throw up the firelock, catching it again below the tail pipe, bring it to the left shoulder, and seize it with the left hand at the butt.
2. Bring the right hand down by the side.
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2 |
Video: Order ARMS
to Shoulder ARMS |
Shoulder ARMS  |
1. Bring up the right hand briskly, and place it against the Piece at the small.
2. Quit the butt with the left hand, and seize the firelock at the swell, bringing the arm close down upon the lock, the right remaining at the small, and the piece upright.
3. Bring the right hand down by the side, throwing forward the muzzle, the bayonet point about a foot from the ground, the left arm covering the lock.
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2 |
3 |
Video: Secure FIRELOCK |
Secure Firelock
Shoulder, ARMS.
1. Bring the piece smartly up to the shoulder with the left hand, stop and steady the piece with the right at the small.
2. Bring the left hand down strong upon the butt.
3. Bring the right hand down by the side.
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2 |
3 |
Video: Carry ARMS from Secure FIRELOCK |
Shoulder ARMS  |
1. Extend the left arm full length downward; seize the piece above the swell, with the right hand.
2. Quit the butt of the piece with the left hand, and place it above the right, level with the shoulder, sliding the piece at the same time down the left side, pressing the bayonet scabbard against the body : grasp the socket of the bayonet, with the right hand, in such manner, that the ball of the thumb may be pressed against the blade when drawn; draw and fix with a quick motion.

Shoulder, ARMS.
1. Bring the piece smartly up to the shoulder with the left hand, stop and steady the piece with the right at the small.
2. Bring the left hand down strong upon the butt.
3. Bring the right hand down by the side.
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2 |
3 |
Video: Shoulder ARMS from Fix BAYONET |
Shoulder ARMS
Present, ARMS.
1. With the left hand turn the piece, the lock to the front, seizing it with the right hand at the small. 2. Bring up the piece with the right hand, quitting the butt with the left, and seizing the piece above the lock as high as the eyes, holding it perpendicular.
3. Draw back the right foot six inches, sink the piece, the butt before the left knee, the fingers of the right hand extended, the ramrod to the front.
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2 |
3 |
R-Foot 6" back |
Video: Present ARMS |
Present ARMS
Shoulder, ARMS.
1. Throw the firelock up to the shoulder, bring up the right foot, and seize the butt with the left hand.
2. Bring the right hand down by the side.
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2 |
Video: Shoulder ARMS from Present ARMS |
Shoulder ARMS  |
Charge, BAYONET.
1. Make a half face to the right, place the right foot square and close behind the left heel, turn the firelock with the left hand, the lock to the front, seize it with the right hand at the small, take the left hand from the butt.
2. Bring down the piece into the left hand, which seizes it near the tail pipe, the bayonet pointing to the front, the point as high as the eye.
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2 |
Bayonet point at
eye level |
Charge BAYONET |
Charge BAYONET  |
Shoulder, ARMS.
1. Throw the firelock up to the shoulder, seizing it with the left hand at the butt. [Bring right foot up next to the left]
2. Bring the right hand down by the side.
1 |
2 |
Video: Shoulder ARMS from Charge BAYONET |
Shoulder ARMS  |
Advance, ARMS.
1. 2. The same as the two first motions of "present arms."
3. Throw the piece with the left hand to the right side, the barrel to the rear, the guard between the thumb and fore finger of the right hand, the other fingers of that hand under the cock, the piece perpendicular before the right shoulder.
4. Bring the left hand down by the side.
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2 |
3 |
4 |
Video: Advance
Video: Advance
ARMS close up |
Advance ARMS 

Shoulder, ARMS.
1. Throw up the piece, seize it with the left hand at the swell, and with the right at the small.
2 Bring up the piece to the second position of "present arms."
3 and 4. Shoulder, and bring down the right hand.
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2 |
3 |
4 |
Video: Advance ARMS
to Shoulder ARMS |
Next: LESSON III. On Loading
Shoulder ARMS  |