Back to PART III. Of Shouldered Arms.
LESSON IV. On Firing.
The instructor will command,
Make, READY.
Position of the First Rank.
1 With the left hand turn the firelock, the lock to the front, with the right hand seize it at the small, as in the first motion of loading, turning the point of the left foot to the front.
2. Draw the right foot quickly back, kneel on the right knee, placed one foot to the rear and six inches to the right of the left heel, being careful not to come down too suddenly; at the same time bring down the firelock with the right hand, seize it with the left at the lower pipe, place the butt on the ground lightly, even with the left heel, and in front of the right thigh, seize the cock between the thumb and fore finger of the right hand.
3. Cock the firelock.
Position of the Second Rank.
1. The same as the first motion of loading.
2. With the right hand bring the firelock before the middle of the body, place the left hand with its little forger touching the feather spring, the thumb as high as the chin, and pointing upwards along the stock, the brass counterplate turned towards the body, and the rammer to the front; place the thumb of the right hand on the head of the cock, the fingers on the guard.
3. Bring down briskly the right elbow, cocking the firelock, and seize it by the small of the stock.
Position of the Third Rank.
1. 2. 3. The same motions as those described for the second rank.
Note: "place the left hand with its little forger touching the feather spring, the thumb as high as the chin"
Make, READY 

Above plate found in a digitized copy of Smyths showing the firelock held before the middle of the body. |
Take, AIM.
Bring down quickly the muzzle of the firelock, sliding the left hand to the lower pipe; place the butt against the right shoulder, the muzzle than the eye, the right elbow kept lowered, without pressing the body; shut the left eye, and look along the barrel with the right, inclining the head forwards, and placing the fore finger of the right hand on the trigger.
The men of the third rank, and they only, will step nine inches to the right, in taking aim.
Video: Take AIM |
Take, AIM 

Recover, ARMS.
Come to the position effected by the command" make ready, " and remain. The instructor will again order.
Video: Recover ARMS |
Recover, ARMS  |
Take, AIM. FIRE.
Bring down quickly the muzzle of the firelock, sliding the left hand to the lower pipe; place the butt against the right shoulder, the muzzle than the eye, the right elbow kept lowered, without pressing the body; shut the left eye, and look along the barrel with the right, inclining the head forwards, and placing the fore finger of the right hand on the trigger.
The men of the third rank, and they only, will step nine inches to the right, in taking aim.
Press the fore finger strongly on the trigger, without lowering the head, turning it, or moving the piece.
Video: Take AIM |
Note: It is the sign of a disciplined soldier when no movement takes place after the trigger is pulled. Remember to remain still until the word LOAD.
Take, AIM. FIRE  |
Draw back the firelock quickly, and take the position effected by the command "open pan, " except that the thumb of the right hand, instead of being placed against the steel, seizes with the fore finger bent the top of the cock, the other forgers remaining shut. [The men of the front rank, without bending forward, will spring up, keeping back the right shoulder, in order to avoid the firelocks of the second rank;] and the men of the rear rank will bring back the right foot, placing the hollow behind the left heel.
Video: LOAD |
Should the instructor desire to load, he will command,
Half-cock FIRELOCK
1. Draw back the cock to halfcock; taking care not to cock the piece.
1 |
Half-cock FIRELOCK  |
If the instructor does not wish to load, he will command,
Shoulder, ARMS.
1. Draw back the cock to halfcock; taking care not to cock the piece. Shut the pan with the three last fingers of the right hand.
2. Seize the piece at the small, bring it to the shoulder, the left hand on the butt, bringing up the right foot.
3. Bring the right hand down by the side.
Every lesson in the drill of the soldier will conclude with an exercise in marching.
1 |
2 |
3 |
Video: Shoulder ARMS from LOAD |
Note: This is one of the few instances where an action is taken on the preparatory command "Shoulder". At the word Shoulder, perform #1and wait until the word ARMS before executing #2 and #3.
Shoulder, ARMS  |
Mark time. MARCH.
At the second command which will be given as either foot comes the ground, the recruit will keep the step, observing cadence, without advancing.
Forward. MARCH.
The soldier will advance with the ordinary step. |