Resource Library of the Lead Citizen |
Annals of Buffalo Valley, Pennsylvania, 1755-1855 Account of a citizen killed at Fort McHenry during the bombardment. Captain Evans... The American Manufactury: Art, Labor, and the World of Things in the Early Republic by Laura Rigal
Schwartzauer's Tavern Collection: National Archives and Records Administration: War Dept Acct. Reports Books Certification of payment; $60 (5 months) to Mr Schwartzhover for rooms occupied by John Foncin, Engineer at Fort McHenry, January 24, 1800.
Social History
Early American Taverns: For the Entertainment of Friends and Strangers by Kym S. Rice It's an Old New England Custom by Edwin Valentine Mitchell John Lewis Krimmel, Genre Artist of The Early Republic by Anneliese Harding (sketches of everyday activity) Maryland History in Prints, 1743-1900 by Laura Rice Parlor Politics In Which the Ladies of Washington Help Build a City and a Government by Catherine Allgor “The Present Time of Alarm”: Baltimoreans Prepare for Invasion, Barbara K. Weeks, Maryland Historical Magazine, vol 84 (3), Fall 1989, pp 259-266 The Woman’s Lot in Baltimore Town: 1729-97, Kathryn Allamong Jacob, Maryland Historical Magazine, vol. 71 (3), Fall 1976, pp 283-295. The Universal Penman engraved by George Bickham (original published in mid 18th century used for examples of writing styles)
Clothing and Accesories Napolean and The Empire of Fashion, 1795-1815 by Cristina Berreto and Martin Lancaster Women's Shoes in America, 1795-1930 by Nancy E. Rexford
Material Culture At Home: The American Family, 1750-1870 by Elizabeth Donaghy Garrett Authentic Decor: The Domestic Interior, 1620-1920 by Peter Thornton Classical Taste in America, 1800-1840 by Wendy A. Cooper
Cooking The Michigan State University Library and the MSU Museum: American cookbooks from the late 18th to early 20th century Deborah's Panty-a resource for period cooking culinary items. Normally I would not post a .com here, but this is where I get ALL of my period appropriate ingredients for cooking ca 1812 A Taste of 17th century Virginia and Maryland in History, Medicine and Food by Thomas and Gloria Callaway, St. Maries City Militia Dining at Monticello edited by Damon Lee Fowler
Biography Mistress of Riversdale, The Plantation Letters of Rosalie Stier Clavert, 1795-1821, edited by Margaret Law Callcott
Currency Before the Civil War there was a wide variety of state and commercial notes:
Civil War Baltimore during the Civil War by Scott Sheads Chesapeake Bay and the Civil War by Eric Mills Civil War Cooking: The Housekeeper's Encyclopedia by Mrs. E.F. Haskell Images from the Storm: Private Robert Knox Sneden edited by Charles F. Bryan Jr., James C. Kelly, and Nelson D. Lankdford Maryland Voices of the Civil War edited by Charles W. Mitchell (letters) Showing the Flag: The Civil War Diary of Moses Safford, USS Constellation by Lawrence Bopp and Stephen Bockmiller